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Step 1 - Ask and identify the problem

I worked on the product list. I helped find all the products and the price and send the link to Zach Sonnenblick to put it onto the final product list. I also did some research on how much waste is actually recycled. I found out that more than 50 percent of the items go to landfills rather than getting recycled. This is not good for the environment. We identified that recycling is a major problem in todays society. 

Step 2 - Research the Problem

This week the workload wasn’t terrible as the final idea was quick. For my research paper, I only needed to add one page whereas last week I needed to add two because I messed it up the first time.  This week during class I was more helping on the website than doing my research paper because I knew I could finish over the weekend. An interesting thing I found while doing my research paper this week was the fact that there will be more trash in the ocean by 2050 than fish. I thought that was crazy. Right now I’m extremely satisfied with the website as my group mates Zach and Ilan spent a lot of time working on it and did a great job. I truly believe we have a shot at winning this year. One problem I had while working this week however was the problem that we didn't have some information on the market research. I solved this problem by researching numbers and calculating the expenses.

Step 3 - Think of possible solutions

This week I created a new survey to receive feedback on our item and received over 700 responses. The response really shows that people are interested in our product because 90 percent of the people said a self-sorting garbage can would help really well. Some steps of future development that I plan on doing is to use the if-else statements into our code so the garbage can will be fully functional in a few weeks. Another thing I need to do is learn the code and how to code the weight sensor, to detect when an object is placed on it. The diagram right here shows that a  bunch of people find our product useful.

Step 4 - Plan by selecting a solution

I worked on the product list. I helped find all the products and the price and sent the link to Zach Sonnenblick to put it onto the final product list. I also did some research on how much waste is actually recycled. I found out that more than 50 percent of the items go to landfills rather than getting recycled. This is not good for the environment. We identified that recycling is a major problem in today's society. 

Step 5 - Create prototpye

This week Ilan Goldmann(me) started to build the final product, by assembling the servo motors and lasers we will be using in the final build. I also started the code for our product by coding the servo motors to turn on and off and have the laser shine. Also, llan Goldmann made the lasers convertible to the Arduino, started putting the weight sensor together, and determined the size of our target market and sales revenue. For the building stage, I soldered female wires to the laser so it can stay in the Arduino without a problem and I also soldered cables to the weight sensor, so it can work with the Arduino as well

Step 6 - Test prototype

​This week I finished the building part of the circuit and just need to incorporate it into the box itself. I started working on the if-else statements for the code and got it to work. Additionally, I added some things to the website and made it look good for the judges. Also, Zach Sonnenblick and I, spoke with the mayor of Davie to get some insight and also to get some clips to put into our video. Also with the mayor, we will take her as one of the people we need to categorize for this week’s 10 consumers of our projects. Lastly, I interviewed a few people in my family and out of my family to get different target markets and see their views on the AutoCycle. One thing I learned this week was how to 3D print. Zach Sonnenblick and I learned that we printed our board for the weight sensor the wrong way, so we corrected that and turned it the right way, and learned how to 3D print the right way. To correct this problem of the 3D printer printing the board the wrong way, we had to export our board from Fusion 360 to software called Slicer and had to adjust the way the board laid so it would print flat instead of standing up. When we did this fix, the board printed the right way horizontally instead of vertically. I finally learned the correct way to 3D print. Next week the code will be fully functional and our AutoCycle will work. I made a meme and posted it on our Instagram page and Twitter. ​​

Step 7 - Improve and Redesign

This week Ilan Goldmann(me) worked with Zach Sonnenblick on completing the Abstract and submitting it to CIJE. As previously mentioned, that I had problems coding and building the weight sensor, I watched a few youtube videos and went on some websites, and learned how to code it and where the wires should go. Additionally, I cut wood with an electrical saw and got to use all these cool types of tools that I would have never imagined using. I also helped Max Jacobs and Zach Sonnenblick with the researching paper. Lastly, Zach and I worked on creating social media accounts and made posts for them. Right now for the engineering design process, we are in the improvement and experiment phase. Soon our project will work, and be able to be entered into the competition. We were getting questions about cardboard being put into the trash can, but for a future step of development, there will be a larger hole to put the trash/recyclable in and also incorporate a paper shredder in it. 

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